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Cosey Rentals – St Helens Ambassadors

Local businesses come together to write the next chapter of the St Helens Story

Businesses, organisations, and key individuals from the public and private sectors are working together on an initiative to deliver a consistent message about St Helens. Invest in St Helens has been set up with the goal of communicating to the rest of the country, and the world what a special place St Helens is.

As a St Helens Ambassador, Cosey Rentals are passionate about this scheme, and through our contacts with local and national investors, we will continue to promote St Helens as an excellent place to live, work and invest.

Recently we have been involved in meetings with St Helens Council regarding the future of St Helens and we strongly believe that with the support and belief of local businesses and residents, these ideas/concepts will succeed in making St Helens stronger.

We’ll continue to keep you updated with this exciting initiative. for more info check out Invest in St Helens


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